Monday 2 December 2013

Ladies & Gentleman Meet Robert Benson of Creative Giant Clothing

Explain your self in 5 words? dedicated, creative, relentless, motivated, visionary
What “style” genre would you consider your self to be? Indie rocker/Jeans and tee shirt
Where did your company name come from? Im 6'4 and am creative so when i was thinking of names creative giant just kind of popped into my head since I'm tall like a giant and I'm creative.
What age were you when it hit you to want to become who you are today? I was probably around 15 and in high school. I was always into art and I can remember taking logos from companies like volcom and stussy and designing new and cool designs.
What are or who are some of your influences/inspiration ? Some of my influences are Shepard Fairey, James Victore, Rudy Francisco, Anis Mojgani
How long has your business been around? Creative Giant has been around for almost a year but it hasn't been tell just recently that we have started to get some recognition across the us and into Canada.
What is your plan for the next year? How do you plan on expanding? My plan for the next year would be to continue to spread the word of Creative Giant and try to get into some retail stores or online stores. I plan on working really hard and push the line to whatever ends i need to, to achieve the goal i want.
Where do you see your self in five years? I see Creative Giant being worldwide and in stores in 5 years.
What kind of people are drawn to your work? How do you market your self? Do you have a online shop? local store? The kind of people that are drawn to my work would probably be the indie rock scene, and the skate scene. The way we market right now is by social media and word of mouth and also by people wearing our shirts and hats. Currently we only have an online store but am hoping to get into some local stores in the near future.
Favorite place you have travelled? Some of my favorite places to travel would probably be Las Vegas, Nashville and I went to Calgary once when i was in the 7th grade and ever since then I've always wanted to go back.
Have you traveled for your work? I actually just got back a couple weeks ago from Nashville. I was there for a friends wedding and i was also able to promote Creative Giant there and get it to some people out there.
Any impressive accomplishments you’d like to brag about? Im not much of a bragger when it comes to my work. I let my Clothing and Artwalk do all of the talking for me. 
Do you have any fun adventures coming up? Just hoping to travel to the UK in the spring and hopefully Canada to do some photoshoots with models and to spread the Creative Giant name further into Canada and the UK
What does your product say about you? what do you try to get across in the way you do business? I would hope that Creative Giant would show the creativeness of my designs and the talent that my team has. When it comes to business i try to show respect and thanks to everyone i do business with. I wouldn't be the person or the company that i am now without the advice and help that I've had and i hope one day i can show the same kind of respect and help that so many people have given to me.
Do you have any pets? I own 2 cats. One is black and we named him Marley and we have a grey cat named baby.
What’s your favorite bar to go to ? There's a bar by my house called sportys... its a super dive bar but its cheap beer and karaoke and the people there are pretty awesome.
What’s your dream vacation destination ? My dream destination vacation would probably be back packing through Europe.
If there’s one place/thing in the world that makes you feel most safe, where/what is it? One place that makes me feel most safe would probably be in the comfort of my own home. Its just cozy, nice, and relaxing, and its a place that i can always go to and just get away from everyone.

Photo Credits: New Vision Culture, Model: Rii Levesque, Chris Aune Photography, Model: Rii Levesque

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